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Piwigo theme development documentation

Piwigo theme development
7 February 2021

Jan-Willem Kruse

Piwigo theme development documentation, consist of one page of information explaining the structure and content of theme files. This documentation is not extensive, but enough to help understanding themes created by others, which you can use as base.

I started for example with the theme ‘Elegant’, which looked more or less what I wanted. Apart from having some knowledge of PHP it is strongly recommended to understand Smarty, the tool used to generate the layout of your Piwigo site.

I recommend to read the following:

  1. Coding guidelines for creating a theme (child theme or custom theme)
    Information how to create a new theme or a child theme of an existing theme and the file structure of a theme.
  2. How To Customize Colors, Fonts and more (CSS coding)
  3. Smarty 3 Manual
  4. Existing themes available in the Extensions repository
  5. Lots of info / how to do’s by Ben Makkink (Dutch only)
  6. The Piwigo forum contains also info, just search for it. For example:
    1. Example for theme with configuration?
    2. Theme creation in 2.1

When the theme is ready you can make it available to other users via the Piwigo extension repository.

piwigo extensions menu

Article by <a href="" target="_self">Jan-Willem</a>

Article by Jan-Willem


Writen by the website owner


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